
SUEYOSHI, Tsuyoshi

[Division & Section] Law Division


2006 Admission as Attorney-at-law in Japan
2002-2005 and since 2008 Admission as Patent Attorney

Telephone: +81-80-2216-0973

Practice Areas

General Corporate Cross-border Practices Intellectual Property Patents Designs Trademarks

Major Areas of Expertise

Intellectual Property (contentious and litigation (infringement, revocation actions against JPO’s decision at the IP high court and invalidation actions at the JPO) and transaction), General Corporate (contract matters (ex. license, co-research and development, contract manufacturing and clinical development); Pharmaceutical Affairs

Membership & Other Qualifications

Japan Federation of Bar Associations; Daiichi Tokyo Bar Association; Japan Association of Industrial Property Law; The Copyright Law Association of Japan; AIPPI-JAPAN; Case A hazardous materials engineer

Education & Experience

Academic History

Department of Chemistry, School of Science, The University of Tokyo (BS)
Department of Chemistry, Graduate school of Science, The University of Tokyo (Ph.D.)
Legal Training & Research Institute

Job History

Mitsubishi Chemical Corporation, Yokohama Research Center
Yuasa and Hara, Patent Division as Patent Attorney
Yuasa and Hara

Professional Experiences & Activities

WG member of Q229 (The use of prosecution history in post-grant patent proceeding), Q235 (Term of copy right protection), Q241 (IP licensing and insolvency), Q246 (Exceptions and limitations to copyright protection for libraries, archives and educational and research institutions) and 2016-copyright (Liking and making available on the internet) of AIPPI-Japan
Lectureship in Japan Patent Attorney Association’s course of infringement qualification
Advisory board of infringement judgment (Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry; Unfair Competition Prevention Act)
Member of AIPPI Q224 Standing Committee("Enforcement")
Vice-Chair of AIPPI World Congress and Chairperson of AIPPI-Japan WG group for Study Question “Joint Liability”
Chairperson of AIPPI-Japan WG group for Study Question “Rights in Data”
Chairperson of AIPPI-Japan WG group for Study Question 287“Responsibility of online marketplaces for online infringement”
Member of AIPPI Communications Committee (Statutory Committee)

Awards & Achievements

・IAM Patent 1000
 Litigation, Japan: Domestic 2019-2024
 Transactions, Japan: Domestic 2024

・Chambers Global 2020-2024
 Intellectual Property: Domestic in Japan

・Chambers Asia-Pacific 2020-2024
 Intellectual Property: Domestic in Japan

・Chambers Asia-Pacific 2019-2024
 Life Sciences in Japan

・Who’s Who Legal: IP-Patents 2022-2023

・Who’s Who Legal: Life Sciences – Patent Litigation 2024

・Who’s Who Legal: Japan 2016-2023 Life Sciences

・Who’s Who Legal: Japan 2022-2023 Intellectual Property

・IP Stars 2021-2023, Japan (Patent Star)

・Shortlisted in Practitioner of the Year (Japan), Managing IP Asia-Pacific Awards 2023

・“Best Performing Lawyers Rankings 2022” in the “Corporate Legal & Tax Affairs and Lawyer Survey” by the NIKKEI (the Nihon Keizai Shimbun)
12th in the category of Intellectual Properties, selected by companies

・Judgement of Tokyo D. Ct., Dec. 20, 2022, HANREI TIMES, No.1516, p.216 (passing off; indication of goods or service by shape of goods)

・Nippon Chemiphar v. Shionogi and AstraZeneca; Judgement of IP High Ct. (Grand Panel), April 13, 2018, HANREI TIMES No.1460, p.125 (Case 2016 (gyo-ke) 10182 and 10184)
(IP high court judgment of Crestor® case; Standing to sue and Inventive steps (finding of prior art invention in chemistry))

・JPO v. Genentech; MINSHU Vol.69, No.7, p.1912, Judgment of Sup. Ct., Nov. 17, 2015, Case 2014 (gyou-hi) 356
(Supreme Court judgment of Bevacizumab (Avastin® ) case; Patent Term Extension (SPC))

・Genetech v. JPO; Judgment of IP High Ct. (Grand Panel), May 30, 2014, HANREI JIHO, No. 2232, p.3 (Case 2013 (gyou-ke)10195-10198)
(IP high court judgment of Bevacizumab (Avastin® ) case; Patent Term Extension (SPC))

・Judgement of IP H. Ct., Sep. 25, 2014, HANREI JIHO, No.2241, p.142 (Patent Term Extension (SPC))

・Judgement of Tokyo D. Ct., Mar. 20, 2014, HANREI JIHO, No.2254, p.91

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Section 206, Shin-Otemachi Bldg.
2-1, Otemachi 2-Chome
Chiyoda-Ku, Tokyo 100-0004, Japan


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